This abbreviation stands for Universal App Campaigns. It is about some types of advertising campaigns in Google Ads. That is, an analogue of KMS, YouTube advertising and others.
The main difference is that only apps downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store can be promoted through Google UAC.
How is UAC different from mobile app ads on Facebook?
- We advise you not to make creatives rigid in relation to the design of the template, then they will live much longer in Google UAC than in Facebook;
- The traffic itself will be much cheaper for some GEOs. If the ad is created with proper quality, and the creative turned out in such a way that affects the audience, then your ROI will be very high;
- In Google Ads, the webmaster can set only basic settings (GEO, device type, and others)
- You can get much more traffic from each launch than from a single facebook account
Traffic Upload Problems from Facebook, Everything Flies to Risks
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