Affiliate Marketing in Simple Terms: What Is It and What Does a Beginner Need to Know?
In simple words, it describes what affiliate marketing is and how to make money from it. The main advantages: learning from scratch, high income, work from home.
Affiliate marketing is a modern digital profession that can bring significant profits in the long term. Selling traffic — how does it work? How does affiliate marketing work? In simple words, affiliate marketing is advertising goods or services on the Internet, for example, on Google or various social networks such as Facebook or Instagram.
Why Should You Choose Affiliate Marketing, Where to Start and How to Earn Money from It?
First, affiliate marketing is a new field in which it is easy to quickly learn the basics and evolve. Those who are now considered top media buyers also started from scratch, and this should be taken into account for beginners — anyone can succeed in the field of affiliate marketing if they approach it with care and diligence. It is not necessary to be a technician or marketer to understand the basics of the profession.
It is worth starting, of course, with training. You can read guides and manuals on the Internet, as well as engage in self-education with videos about affiliate marketing on YouTube. However, today there are schools in Ukraine that teach affiliate marketing, including the Arbitrage Up Academy. Self-education or paid courses — the choice is yours to make, but we would still advise you to choose a course to your liking because it will allow you not only to acquire high-quality structured knowledge but also to acquire acquaintances in the field of affiliate marketing. Marketers work in a team or solo, so if you want to evolve successfully in the field, it is better to have colleagues whom you can consult with and whose experience you can learn from.
Second, affiliate marketing doesn't require you to sit at your unloved job in the office. You can work from any corner of the world, and if you work solo, you can also work at any time convenient for you. This opens up the opportunity to work and travel at the same time and not spend time and money on travelling to work.
Thirdly, we note that affiliate marketing is currently one of the most stable areas in business in general, and the competition here is much lower than, for example, in IT. Affiliate marketing and advertising in general have not been affected by either full-scale war or COVID. This is also because you can sell traffic to foreign markets, and marketers work with them mostly. The focus of the media buyer's attention is various countries: the European Union, the USA, Latin America, Asia, etc.
The last point we want to note is that affiliate marketing allows you to dynamically evolve and grow, build your own community of like-minded people and always stay on trend. This field of marketing requires constant learning and self-improvement because advertising on the Internet is not a stable concept, the only constant in it is that directions and approaches to advertising are constantly changing. So there is no way without deeper and further education.
We would like to note that media buyers, unlike targetologists, receive payment from the advertiser for each client referred, which makes the work of a media buyer different from a targetologist. This format of work helps you clearly understand how much you will earn from a particular offer.
What Are the Niches in the Affiliate Marketing Profession?
A niche in affiliate marketing is the type of products or services you work with. Among the popular niches are health and wellbeing, gambling, trading and dating.
The health and wellness niche is an advertisement for pharmaceuticals or various dietary supplements. By the way, there are also sub-niches in affiliate marketing: smaller areas within larger ones, for example, in the health and wellness niche it is drugs for heart diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, aids for vision or hearing, aids for weight loss, etc. Health and wellness is a large-scale and popular direction in affiliate marketing, capable of bringing in a lot of money. This niche is stable and needs new webmasters.
Gambling is the advertising of gambling games and online casinos. Not always legal advertising, but quite a profitable niche that many people admire. The marketer’s income here mainly consists of new players registering in the online casino.
Different commodities are goods of various purposes. A safe, legal, "white" niche in which many specialists work. Often these are goods from China, but here it is important for the media buyer to pay attention to the quality of the product because it is more likely to be sold.
Dating is an advertisement for dating apps. Also a reliable and popular niche.
How to Choose a Traffic Source in Affiliate Marketing, Where to Start?
Also, in affiliate marketing, a lot depends on the traffic source. The traffic source can be Google, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or any other platform or social network. Before launching an advertising campaign on any of the traffic sources, you should study its features both by itself and in combination with the chosen niche: for example, TikTok does not like gambling, so promoting it there will be quite problematic. To avoid the ban on the advertising cabinet, it is important to study all the rules and follow the principles established by the platform.
So, to get started, a media buyer needs to find educational materials and get a basic education in affiliate marketing, join a team of media buyers or decide to work solo, study niches and choose the one that best suits his or her interests, as well as decide on a traffic source and an offer from an affiliate network — an offer from a platform where job offers for arbitrators are collected, and eventually launch your very first advertising campaign.
The market of Internet affiliate marketing in Ukraine and abroad is only growing, so we can safely testify that affiliate marketing will only gain popularity in the coming years. What makes the profession of a media buyer attractive is that there is no need to work in an office, it can be mastered from scratch, as well as quickly evolve in the field and grow into the actual profession of a media buyer. Earnings in this niche are high and competition is relatively low. Media buyers' work is similar to targetologist’s work — the subject is the same, but the payment methods and format are completely different. What's more, within affiliate marketing there is a lot to choose from: you can work with your favourite niche or even several, select the traffic source and your own job offer.
So, the profession of affiliate marketing is a promising and modern job that can suit everyone and bring a good profit.
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